Driving telephone calls to our sales center is one of the highest converting programs.
If you are generating callers who are looking to fix their credit as their primary need, our in-house team will handle the sales process and convert your calls. You will be paid on any callers who sign up for our service. If you have existing benchmarks let's discuss the possibilities, provide you with recommendations to improve performance, and conduct a test to establish a baseline. We'll work together to improve performance and scale efficiently.
Commissions: Payouts vary by volume, so we've found it best to discuss each deal on a case-by-case basis. Please call us today to discuss your situation and how we might begin working together. We pay out on the 10th of every month for the previous month's performance. If you are a high volume producer we can talk about a more frequent payment schedule.
Reporting and Dashboard: We can provide you with metrics that you require such as calls, dispositions, sales, and conversion rate.
Scripting: We will craft a script from the start, and as we optimize for your leads, our sales process and scripting will evolve if needed.
Conversion rate: We typically meet or exceed the conversion rate of any existing credit repair company that you may be working with. Our team will find a baseline and optimize from there. Generally, it takes about two weeks before we have a baseline conversion rate to improve upon.
Volume: We can handle any amount of volume eventually. We have partners who generate over 1,000 calls per day, and others that generate just a few. We generally start with a small amount of calls per day to get familiar with the leads and establish a baseline conversion rate. After that we'll begin scaling the program.
Support: We will work with you along the way as we optimize the program together.
The phrase "onboarding" sounds like such a burden, but we keep it simple. The initial goal will be to just keep everything to the bare minimum...just enough for us to conduct an initial test. We'll get you set up with a dedicated number, review the current lead journey, discuss any outstanding questions, and within a matter of days we can begin taking your calls.
You'll have access to basic reporting in your dashboard and any additional reporting you require can be provided.
Get started today, "partner"!
Questions: 866-382-3410